The Superior “Fall” Trail Races host three races simultaneously, the Superior 100 Mile, the Superior 50 and the Superior / Moose Mountain Marathon. Each distance will have its own unique race number (unique color and number series) so runners can be easily identified by race officials, volunteers, spectators and other runners. We ask that all competitors wear their number on the front of their body on their outer-most layer at all times. Runners will be tracked coming into and out of each aid station. If we cannot see your number, we cannot track you or take your finishing time and if we cannot do that, you will be disqualified and will not earn an official finish. Racers registered by August 15th will receive their name custom printed on the race number as illustrated below – if you register after this date, your name will not be on your number.
Superior 100 Mile Trail Race – Orange Number – Number Series 1 – 200

Superior / Moose Mountain Marathon 26.2 Mile – Green Number – Number Series 260 – 460

Superior 50 Mile Trail Race – Blue – Number Series 500 – 700