First off, a huge thank you is in order to all runners, crews, families, pacers, volunteers and sponsors for making this years Superior “Fall” Trail Races 100MI, 50MI and 26.2MI so special. This is truly a incredible weekend and we were all a part of that – we are already excited for next year! We ask that you join us, one way or another, as a runner, a volunteer or spectator in 2015!
An outstanding recap of this years race put together on our behalf by Ian Corless can be found HERE
Results are available HERE and 100 mile live-tracking “splits” can be found HERE – *please note that “splits” / in-times are “close” and not exact and may contain some errors or omissions.
The expressed goal in implementing a qualifying standard for the first time in the history of the Superior races was to increase the finishers rate and in turn improve the overall experience of the runners – as we all know, Superior is tough and is not a beginners race. Between the qualifying standard and great weather we observed what we believe is the higest ever finishers rate in the 24 year history of the race!
Starters 204
Finishers 141
DNFs 63
Finishers Rate 69%
Starters 138
Finishers 107
DNFs 31
Finishers Rate 77%
Starters 221
Finishers 216
DNFs 5
Finishers Rate 97%
Photos taken by our awesome volunteer photographers are available HERE – if you have a gallery to share please send us the link (or share in the comments below), if you do share a gallery with us be sure the permissions are set to “Public” so everyone can see them.
The sweatshirt “gallery” is growing – woo-hoo! Please share your picture and a quick writeup if you like, we will post it HERE
We have several race reports from runners, volunteers, crew and pacers up already and they are available HERE you have one you would like to share please drop us a line (or share in the comments below).
So many of you have had so many nice things to say about this years race, we thought we would share those comments HERE – this is an awesome way for us to share your comments with our volunteers as it is direct feedback in response to their efforts!