2018 Lottery Selection

We thank everyone that entered the 2018 Superior Fall Trail Race 26.2MI, 50MI and 100MI lottery. The lottery drawing took place on Thursday January 18th, 2018 in accordance with our lottery protocol and procedures...

Ian Corless 2017 Superior Fall Trail Race Summary

Rugged, relentless and remote, Northern Minnesota near the Canadian Border, is the home of the Superior 100 – a course that parallells the North-Shore of Lake Superior traversing the Sawtooth Mountains on the Superior Hiking Trail. Breath taking vistas and panoramas...

2017 Superior 50 Mile Welcome

Welcome 50 Mile Runners! We are about one week away from one of the toughest and most scenic 50 mile trail races in the country!  We are very excited to be hosting another extraordinary field of runners at this years Superior “Fall” Trail Race – represented are...

2017 Superior 100 Mile Welcome

Welcome Superior 100 Mile Runners! We are just under one week away from the 27th Annual Superior 100 Mile Trail Race – one of the toughest, most scenic and oldest 100 mile trail races in the country! We are very excited to be hosting another extraordinary field of...

2017 Race Numbers

You must wear your race number and it must be clearly visible at all times. The Superior “Fall” Trail Races host three races simultaneously, the Superior 100 Mile, the Superior 50 and the Superior / Moose Mountain Marathon.  Each distance will have its own unique race...

2017 Lottery Selection

We thank everyone that entered the 2017 Superior Fall Trail Race lottery. The lottery drawing took place on Wednesday January 18th, 2017 in accordance with our lottery protocol and procedures. Those selected have had their payment processed and their names added to...

2016 Superior Fall Trail Race Recap

Written By John Storkamp – Race Director 2016 was a milestone year for the Superior Fall Trail Race 100MI, 50MI and 26.2MI with the Superior 100 Mile Trail Race being contested for the 25th time since its inception in 1991 (there was no 100 mile race held in...

2016 Superior 50 Mile Welcome

Welcome 50 Mile Runners! We are about one week away from one of the toughest and most scenic 50 mile trail races in the country!  We are very excited to be hosting another extraordinary field of runners at this years Superior “Fall” Trail Race –...

2016 Superior 100 Mile Welcome

Welcome Superior 100 Mile Runners! We are just one week away from the 26th Annual Superior 100 Mile Trail Race – one of the toughest, most scenic and oldest 100 mile trail races in the country! We are very excited to be hosting another extraordinary field of...

2016 100 Mile Course Reroute

A 1.6 mile section of the Superior Hiking Trail between the 100 mile race start (Gooseberry Falls State Park) and Aid Station 1 (Split Rock) has been permanently closed and is pending a permanent reroute.  We were holding out hope that the new permanent reroute would...

2016 Pre-Race Stats

Total / All Races Stats: Field Size: 764, Male: 515 (67%), Female: 249 (33%), Oldest Entrant 71, Youngest Entrant 14 , Average Age 42, States Represented 33, Countries Represented 4, One or more finishes: Approx 300 (40%), Zero finishes or first attempt: Aprrox 464...

2016 Race Numbers

You must wear your race number and it must be clearly visible at all times. The Superior “Fall” Trail Races host three races simultaneously, the Superior 100 Mile, the Superior 50 and the Superior / Moose Mountain Marathon.  Each distance will have its own unique race...

2016 Lottery Selection

We thank everyone that entered the 2016 Superior Fall Trail Race lottery. The lottery drawing took place on Friday March 11th, 2016 in accordance with our lottery protocol and procedures. Those selected have had their payment processed and their names added to the...

2015 Superior Fall Trail Race Recap

  The Superior 100 Mile Trail Race has been aptly described as the “Superbowl of Midwest Trail / Ultrarunning” – the point to point 100 mile trail race is paired with two of the most challenging and scenic 50 mile and 26.2 mile trail races in...

Aaron Buffington

Earlier this year we lost an important person from our local trail / ultra family to cancer – a week out from this years Superior 100 he is in the thoughts of many of the runners & volunteers that will be at the race. In 2014 Aaron Buffington (pictured...

2015 Moose Mountain Marathon Welcome

Welcome Moose Mountain Marathon Runners! We are about one week away from one of the toughest and most scenic Marathons in the country! We are very excited to be hosting another extraordinary field of runners at this years Superior “Fall” Trail Race –...

2015 Superior 50 Mile Welcome

Welcome 50 Mile Runners! We are about one week away from one of the toughest and most scenic 50 mile trail races in the country! We are very excited to be hosting another extraordinary field of runners at this years Superior “Fall” Trail Race –...

2015 Superior 100 Mile Welcome

Welcome Superior 100 Mile Runners! We are just over one week away from the 25th Annual Superior 100 Mile Trail Race – one of the toughest, most scenic and oldest 100 mile trail races in the country!  We are very excited to be hosting another extraordinary field...

2015 100 Mile Course Reroute

A 1.6 mile section of the Superior Hiking Trail between the 100 mile race start (Gooseberry Falls State Park) and Aid Station 1 (Split Rock) has been permenately closed and is pending a permanent reroute.  We were holding out hope that the new permanent reroute would...

2015 Race Numbers

You must wear your race number and it must be clearly visible at all times. The Superior “Fall” Trail Races host three races simultaneously, the Superior 100 Mile, the Superior 50 and the Superior / Moose Mountain Marathon.  Each distance will have its own unique race...

2014 Race Recap

THANK YOUFirst off, a huge thank you is in order to all runners, crews, families, pacers, volunteers and sponsors for making this years Superior “Fall” Trail Races 100MI, 50MI and 26.2MI so special. This is truly a incredible weekend and we were all a part...

2014 Race Numbers

Race numbers will be assigned by the Monday prior to the race.  Race numbers will be issued on race-morning, not packet pickup. You must wear your race number and it must be clearly visible at all times.  If you are registered by August 15th you will have your first...

2014 Race Shirts

All registered runners and volunteers will receive the 2014 Superior ‘Fall’ Trail Race T-Shirt printed with waterbased inks on an awesome Rocksteady Running Tri-Blend T!  We will have a limited number of these shirts for sale at the pre-race meeting /...

2014 Changes

Below is a list of significant changes for the 2014 Superior “Fall” Trail Races: 100 Mile: Field limit is now 250 competitors A qualification standard has been added for the Superior 100 Mile – *see below for details Cutoff at Sugarloaf Road has been...

2013 Swag for Sale

We will have some cool stuff for sale at the pre-race meeting(s) for the 100, 50 and 26.2.  We will have past years long-sleeve tech shirts, new t-shirts with this years race design, buffs, beanies, posters and stickers!  Plan ahead as we will be accepting cash or...

2013 Race Numbers

The Superior “Fall” Trail Races host three races simultaneously, the Superior 100 Mile, the Superior 50 and the Superior / Moose Mountain Marathon.  Each distance will have its own unique race number (unique color and number series) so runners can be easily identified...

100 Mile Course Records Fall

Cool weather and clear skies led to new course records in both the men’s and women’s Superior 100 Trail Races Sept. 7-8. Steven Moore (Austin, Texas) knocked off nearly 40 minutes off the previous course record finishing in 21:02. Kristina Folcik...

Race Updates

This will be the main feed for race updates. Check back often. 1:06 pm – Unofficial results available at http://results.bazumedia.com/event/results/event/event-1836 10:10 am – Top-3 men and women both in. Both men’s and women’s course records...

DNF and DNS Lists

Many people start the Superior Trail Races. Below is a list of people who did not start or have dropped out of the race. We will do our best to keep this updated through out the races. 100 Mile Did Not Finish 2 – Doug Allen (Stillwater, Minn.) – Cty Road 6...

Live Updates 2012

We will do our best to bring you some live updates, results and more throughout the race.  Also visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/superior100

Superior 100 Final Notes

Superior 100 Mile Runners, First of all, thank you all again for participating in this years Superior 100 Mile Trail Race, one of the original dozen or so 100 milers in the country, it is an honor and a pleasure to once again be hosting so many talented athletes from...

2012 Race Numbers

The Superior “Fall” Trail Races host three races simultaneously, the Superior 100 Mile, the Superior 50 and the Superior / Moose Mountain Marathon.  Each distance will have its own unique race number (unique color and number series) so runners can be...

Superior 100 Hoodie

Starting in 2012 you will receive one lifetime, Superior 100 hooded finishers sweatshirt when you finish the race (not a sweatshirt each year you finish) – you will be given a patch with your first name on it to sew onto the left chest and an orange star for...

2012 Race Shirts

Here it is, the 2012 Superior Trail Race 100MI, 50MI, 26.2 (Moose Mountain Marathon) and Volunteer shirts – everyone gets the same this year, because we are all in this together!  Encircling, the star on the front of the shirt is the names of all the iconic aid...

A New Year on the SHT

It’s a new year and registration for the 2012 Superior 100, 50 and Moose Mountain Marathon is less than one month away.  Registration opens March 8th 2012 – detailed information regarding registration can be found HERE .  Interest is at an all time high...

2011 Race Shirts.

All Superior Trail Race runners will receive super high-quality, stylish long-sleeve technical shirt – unique to each race distance.  Volunteers will receive the 100 mile shirt.  Enjoy.

New Superior Website is Here!

Its been a work in progress but it has finally happened – the new website is finally here!  Take a look around and check things out, we hope that finding the information you are looking for is easier than ever.  Be sure to fully review the information about the...