Date: Sunday September 1, 2019
Subject: Superior Fall Trail Race 2019 Volunteer Email 4
[ Those of you that have been signed up for awhile have seen several emails from me thus far, for those of you that signed up to volunteer more recently, you will want to review Volunteer Email 3 as it is by far the most comprehensive – so please be sure to review it if you have not already – ]
Hi All,
First off, I want to share another heartfelt thank you for volunteering for the 2019 Superior Fall Trail Race, Friday Sept 6th and Saturday Sept 7, 2019 – we could not do it without you!
Volunteer Assignments:
Volunteer assignments are set and are available HERE – if we have assigned you too little, too much or you see anything that is off, please let us know. Anyone that wants to come to the finish on Saturday and help there from the mid-afternoon until 11:00PM is also welcome, just come find us and we will put you to work! Also, if you are interested in helping us with cleanup at our home in the Twin Cities the Monday after the race, please let us know!
Volunteer Lodging:
We have sent a separate email with information to those individuals who signed up / indicated that they needed help with lodging. If you failed to sign up (per ‘Volunteer Email 3’), but still need help with lodging, please let us know ASAP and we will see what we can do – it will for sure be floor space in a living room at this late stage.
Volunteer Jobs:
The jobs corresponding to volunteer assignments can be found HERE – this link contains important information about each volunteer job, directions and more.
Aid Station Coordination:
For those working aid stations – aid station captains were given your contact info last week and may have been or will be in touch, if you do not hear from them or need to get in touch with them please let us know and we can get you connected if you would like, otherwise you can just report to your aid station at the scheduled time. Those who signed up after August 25 – your t-shirts will NOT be in the aid station bins, rather, we will hand-deliver them out to the aid station for you, if for any reason we do not connect, you can get one at the race finish (at / near the merchandise tables), or, worse case email us after the race.
HAM Radio
HAM Radio assignments were made and emailed to you directly by Rick and Jayne Johnson. Our aid station bins were already packed and trucks loaded prior to this, so, Cheri and I will bring them out personally as we have done other years – it is a good reason to come visit you anyhow!
More Info: contains just about everything you would ever / could ever need to know about the race. Please take some time to study it and print off the materials that you think will be helpful to you on race weekend since cell and Internet coverage is non-existent in areas.
This will be our last group email before the race, although one or two more breakout groups may see a group email. Please feel free to email, call, Facebook or text anytime between now and the race. Thank you all once again – we are looking forward to seeing you all on race weekend!
Thank You,
John Storkamp
Race Director